McKenzie Associates

Utility / Telcom Site Setup

In our Utility Site Setup Service, we completely manage the process of the ordering and installation of all utilities, including garbage and telephony, if desired. 
Phone, internet, utilities, garbage and recycling with McKenzie associates in the middle

In a Nutshell

Our Utility/Telecom Site Setup service was developed in response to companies that are in a growth mode and may encounter challenges getting their utility services installed on time. 

This is not merely a "turn on/turn off" or account transfer service, but a service whereby we take full responsibility for managing all parties to ensure the on-time implementation of all services. In our utility site setup service this means with the correct rates, and with an absolute minimum of deposits.

Read THe Philosophy

We Negotiate and install...

Natural Gas

Can you benefit from this service?

  • When you open a new location, are there sometimes snafus that threaten to have the location not be able to open on time? 
  • Have you ever received a Shutoff notice at a new location because the billing was not set up properly?
  • Are you confident that you’re on the correct rate… a mistake that could severely effect (affect) the profitability of that new location? 
  • Are you sure that you’ve not paid more in deposits than you are required to?  
  • Have you possibly agreed to pay for an item or service that the developer should have paid for?

We’ve assisted with over 2500 new locations and 1500 retrofits in 4 countries, and our clients never have to worry about the answers to these questions.

Calculator with bills and coins
magnifying glass with profit icon

Utility Site Setup Benefits

Let us use our established network of utility relationships and vast experience to make sure your new locations are opened properly by:

  • Managing and coordinating all involved parties (including the landlord)
  • Ensuring that all required site utilities are ordered and installed correctly and on time
  • Identifying and negotiating financial incentives - including utility rebates, deposit waivers, municipal funds, tax exemptions, and economic development funds.
  • Handling the entire deposit process, negotiating to waive or lower deposits wherever possible.
  • Making sure bills are sent to the correct address from the onset, preventing late fees, confusion, and shutoff notices.
  • Ensuring our client pays only for appropriate services, and not allowing our client to be charged for items whose cost should be borne by the Developer.
About the Process

Utility Site Setup Philosophy

In understanding our Utilities Site Setup, there can be much more to bringing utility services to new locations than meets the eye.

Many different entities are involved to make utility services happen. These typically include the utility company Customer Service department, utility company Service Planners, the General Contractor, sub-contractors, inspectors, and of course the Landlord or Developer. 

Mostly, they are skilled, and they typically do their jobs well.

However, many times there is no one with a bird’s eye view who understands and can oversee the entire process. 

Typically each party is only aware of what they have to do, and small details can fall through the cracks – eventually having large consequences later on – both for delivery time and overall cost. Our Utilities Site Setup service helps significantly in this process.

When mishaps happen, finger pointing ensues, stress mounts, and relationships can be strained. Penalties or extra fees – which could have been avoided - are frequently paid in order to expedite installation. In our Our Utilities Site Setup service, this is all avoided by us being the single source of coordination; who can identify breakdowns in the process and improve communication between involved parties.

Having the services ready on time is only part of the challenge. Being on the wrong rate can cost your company plenty, without anyone being aware of it.

Has this ever happened?

Has your GC ever billed you for an expense that rightly belonged to the Developer, just because it was more expedient? Can you be sure?

Were you able to take advantage of all discounts and rebates? Can you be sure?

This may be the first time locating in a particular utility company territory for your GC. Almost guaranteed it isn’t the first time for us.

By continually attending conferences and industry functions and working with clients who build not only nationally but globally, we’ve built up a network of relationships in almost any utility company or municipality you can think of, and it helps us guide each project to a smooth, on-time conclusion.

Our Utilities Site Setup service includes electricity, gas, water, sewer, garbage and telephony, if desired.

Calculator with bills and coins

Store opening delays or headaches?

Let's face it...Contractors or Project managers hate doing this, and have better uses of their time than being on hold with the utility. They don't know the correct rate to ask for or how to get deposits waived, and usually don't understand the utility's arcane requirements for on-time installation.
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