McKenzie Associates

Utility Bill Auditing Process

The utility bill auditing process begins with the gathering of data, so that we can eventually analyze the billing statements from all of the client’s utility providers for each of their facilities.
bill auditing philosophy

Our Philosophy

The audit has the purpose of saving our client money, not burdening their staff, and so every attempt is made to minimize any inconvenience during the information gathering process.  If the client utilizes a bill payment service, we can usually get ALL the data we need from them.

Once we have a representative bill copy for every account, we go to work gathering historical usage and cost data from the utility of at least 12 months, and longer if it is available.

The Process

  • Determine whether all charges are actually the client’s responsibility, and ensure that they are for legitimate, current accounts
  • Identify all meters and make sure they are functioning and being read properly.
  • Audit billing for tariff compliance
  • Identify usage anomalies.
  • Determine whether all services are being obtained at the lowest possible cost offered by the Utility.
  • Identify and/or create strategies which use existing tariff structure to the client’s advantage
  • Research and analyze alternative rates & tariffs, interpretations, applications and qualifications
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bill auditing process

We make it effortless.

We know our clients are busy. The utility bill auditing process begins with us gathering the data, usually electronically, and we take it from there, making it as effortless as possible for the client.
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