McKenzie Associates

Utility Bill Audit

Ensure that your company is not being over-charged for the services that you use – either from billing errors, tariff non-compliance, or your company not taking advantage of exemptions or provisions in the Utility company’s tariffs that would allow lower pricing.
A pen, a paper, and a calculator

In a Nutshell

Utility tariffs specifically state that the onus is on the customer to ensure that they are not paying more than necessary for the services they receive, including taking advantage of alternative pricing and experimental rates. Because of this, companies are frequently being overcharged without knowing it.

Our expert staff reviews past and current bills.  We do all the work of gathering historic billing information and then get down to business.

Why A Utility Audit?

We recover...

Natural Gas

Regarding Cost

If performed on a contingency basis—which most clients choose to do—there is no upfront cost or risk. Our compensation is then based solely on the results we bring to you—either in the form of refunds, ongoing future savings, or both!

And, even if no errors are discovered or no recoveries obtained, there is tremendous value to our clients' financial officers in knowing that they have done their fiduciary diligence for their company, and that they can move forward secure in the knowledge that their company is not overpaying for utility services.
Money and pricing
finalizing files


Once our utility audit is finished, we submit a complete report of our findings to the client. We implement the corrections authorized by you, and do all the correspondence and negotiation with the utility companies until final resolution; which may include a refund.

We stay involved not only to make sure that the corrections we request are implemented properly, but also to calculate savings and determine the financial success of our recommendations, which we in turn supply to the client in a detailed report.

About the Process

Why pay more than your fair share?

Ensure that your company is not being overcharged for the services that you use - either from billing errors, or not taking advantage of exemptions or provisions in the utility company’s tariffs that would allow lower pricing.
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